Pastor/Teacher Luncheon: How to Teach the Toughest Topic – January 25th, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, Fellowship Bible Church in Jackson and Contenders Apologetics Course – January 25th, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Northbrook Church in Three Way

Hi friend,

Sanctity of Human Life Month is just around the corner! Typically, in January, Birth Choice staff members go to churches around West Tennessee and speak on the sanctity of life, our ministry, and how churches can be involved. This time, however, we are doing something different! On January 25th, 2024, we are partnering with nationally known pro-life speaker and apologist, Dr. Marc Newman, and hosting a Contenders for Life Conference. This will consist of a luncheon for pastors and church leaders where they can learn how to teach the toughest topic (on the issue of life), as well as an evening pro-life apologetics course that is open to the community. We encourage all of you to attend and spread the word within your churches! Please email me if you would like promotional materials. To register for either free event, please go to Please read below for more information.

If you would like Sanctity of Human Life resources like PowerPoint slide images, bulletin inserts, videos, etc., please head to our website, for some free downloads! Since we are hosting the conference, we will not be speaking at churches this January.

Pastor/Teacher Luncheon: How to Teach the Toughest Topic – January 25th, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, Fellowship Bible Church in Jackson

No matter how tough the topic, there is a way to reach the people in our congregations and classrooms with a truth that will liberate their minds, and a plan that will invigorate their will. Dr. Newman calls it “shepherding people to a good decision.” The example Dr. Newman will be using in this training session is abortion, but the methods and strategies he will be teaching apply equally to any difficult areas of preaching.

Join with area pastors, teachers, and ministry leaders and take advantage of this opportunity to sharpen your pulpit and teaching skills. Imagine being able to prepare faster, preach smarter, and see the tangible effects of lives that are being transformed, through the power of the Holy Spirit, into the image of Christ. Seating is limited, so please make reservations for you and your teaching staff by going to

Contenders Apologetics Course – January 25th, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Northbrook Church in Three Way

In a post-Roe world, the battle for life is only intensifying. Join Dr. Marc Newman — pro-life apologist, speaker, trainer, and author of Contenders — as he shows you how to defend life. In this short seminar you will learn to make the scientific, moral, and biblical case for life, and how to overcome key objections to the pro-life position. You will also learn how the ideas that are used to support abortion advocacy place all human beings at risk, and what you can do about it.

This event is free and open to the community but, in order to attend, you MUST REGISTER. Go to and register for the Contenders Jackson event. Once you register, we can send pre-seminar resources to you — primarily the session outlines that you can print out and bring with you. This seminar is suitable for ages 13 and up. Once you register for the event, you are free to send this email or the link to all interested friends. The seminar is free but a free-will offering will be taken at the seminar to benefit Birth Choice.

In Christ,

Tiffany Dawson

Director of Development

Birth Choice

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